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Roman Missal

Fr. Columba

Hymns by Fr. Harry Hagan, OSB


Roman Missal

Chant Files

  1. Orations Chants for Sundays and Feast Days (Updated 2/09/2012)

  2. All Prefaces and Eucharistic Prayers (as of October 5, 2012) [1]

  3. Eucharistic Prayers for Concelebrants (Corrected version 1/16/2012)

  4. Chants for the Penitential Act and Dismissal options

  5. Instructions for Chanting Orations

  6. Book of Altar Chants (corrected October 5, 2012)[2]

  7. Books for Use at the Chair

  8. The Paschal Proclamation

  9. Palm Sunday and Triduum Book

  10. Kyriale 2011 (Corrected version 4/13/2012)

  11. The Communion Antiphons (Updated 8/15/2012)

  12. Entrance Antiphons

Offertory Samples

  1. Ash Wednesday

  2. Of. 1st Sunday of Lent

  3. Of. 2nd Sunday of Lent

  4. Of.  3rd Sunday of Lent

  5. Of. 4th Sunday of Lent-a

  6. Of. 4th Sunday of Lent-b

  7. Of. 5th Sunday of Lent

  8. Of. 6th Sunday Passion

  9. Of. Ave-Maria 2

  10. Of. Bonum est (Eng)

  11. Of. De Profundis (Eng.+SG)

  12. Of. De Profundis (Eng)

  13. Of. Domine Jesu.Eng.GT 674

  14. Of. Domine Jesu.verse.GT 674

  15. Of. Domine Jesu.verse

  16. Of. Domine Jesue.stmls

  17. Of. Easter Sunday

  18. Of. Holy Saturday

  19. Of. Holy Thursday

  20. Of. Jubilate Deu (Eng)

  21. Of. Stetit Angelus (Eng)

Audio Files

  1. Chanting the Orations

  2. Chanting the Preface Dialogue and Preface (Corrected version 11/28/2011)

  3. The Paschal Proclamation

  4. Eucharistic Prayer III Sung Parts

Entrance & Communion Antiphon Samples

  1. Co. 2nd Sunday of Advent

  2. Co. 4th Sunday of Advent

  3. Co. Christmas Midnight

  4. Co. 1st Sunday of Lent

  5. Co. Easter Sunday

  6. Co. Pentecost

  7. Co. 14th Sunday of Ordinary Time

  8. Co. Feast of Immaculate Conception

  9. En. 1st Sunday of Lent

Christmas Chants

Chant Files

  1. Announcement of Date of Easter and other Feasts to be used at Epiphany 2012  [3]

  2. Announcement of Dates of Easter and other Feasts in 2012 to be used at Epiphany 2012  [4]

  3. Christmas Mass during the Day Gospel John 1.1-18

  4. Christmas Midnight Mass Gospel Lk 2.1-14

  5. Christmas Proclamation  [3]

  6. Christmas Proclamation  [4]

  7. Epiphany Gospel Mt 2.1-12

  8. Announcement of Date of Easter and other Feasts to be used at Epiphany 2013  [3]

Audio Files

  1. Chanting the Orations

  2. Chanting the Preface Dialogue and Preface (Corrected version 11/28/2011)

Fr. Columba


Chant Instruction

  1. Chant Performance Manual

  2. Singing Chant: Latin and English

  3. Handout Notes for Chant Class

  4. Melodic Embellishments in Gregorian Chant

  5. Haec dies

  6. The Haec dies Gradual

  7. Christus factus est

Rensselaer Course

  1. Service Music for Mass for 2014

  2. Rensselaer Chant Handout for 2014

  3. Rensselaer Addendum for 2012

  4. Rensselaer Chant Handout for 2012

  5. Service Music for Mass for 2012

Saint Meinrad Course

  1. Entrance/Communion Sample Antiphons for 2014

  2. Saint Meinrad Chant Handout for 2014

  3. Saint Meinrad Addendum for 2012

  4. Saint Meinrad Chant Handout for 2012

Proper of the Mass Chant Scores


The Season of Advent

  1. First Sunday of Advent

  2. Second Sunday of Advent

  3. Third Sunday of Advent

  4. Fourth Sunday of Advent

The Season of Christmas

  1. The Nativity of the Lord: The Vigil Mass

  2. The Nativity of the Lord: The Mass During the Night

  3. The Nativity of the Lord: The Mass at Dawn

  4. The Nativity of the Lord: The Mass During the Day

  5. The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph

  6. Solemnity of Mary, The Holy Mother of God

  7. The Epiphany of the Lord

  8. The Baptism of the Lord


The Season of Lent

  1. Ash Wednesday

  2. First Sunday of Lent

  3. Second Sunday of Lent

  4. Third Sunday of Lent

  5. Fourth Sunday of Lent

  6. Fifth Sunday of Lent

Holy Week

  1. Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord

  2. Thursday of the Lord's Supper

  3. Friday of the Passion of the Lord

  4. The Paschal Vigil in the Holy Night

The Season of Easter

  1. Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord

  2. Second Sunday of Easter

  3. Third Sunday of Easter

  4. Fourth Sunday of Easter

  5. Fifth Sunday of Easter

  6. Sixth Sunday of Easter

  7. The Ascension of the Lord

  8. Seventh Sunday of Easter

  9. Pentecost Sunday: The Vigil Mass

  10. Pentecost Sunday: The Mass during the Day

Funeral and Nuptial Masses

  1. Funeral Mass

  2. Nuptial Mass

Feast and Solemnities During Ordinary Time

  1. The Most Holy Trinity

  2. The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

  3. The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

  4. The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary: The Vigil Mass

  5. The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary: The Mass during the Day

  6. All Saints

Ordinary Time

Ordinary of the Mass

  1. The St. Meinrad Kyriale

Chant Scores for Miscellaneous Settings

  1. St. Meinrad Psalm Tones

  2. Exultet

  3. Gospel Verses

Hymns by Fr. Harry Hagan, OSB

  1. December 26-28 Hymns for St. Stephen Martyr, St. John the Evangelist and Holy Innocents
  2. Draw Near and Take the Body of Your Christ, a communion hymn set to Erfyniad, a Welsh Hymn
  3. Panis Angelicus with English Translation, a communion hymn set to the music of César Franck:  Organ ScoreVoice ScoreMP3 File
  4. Panis Angelicus with English Translation, a communion hymn set to the music of Kyle Cothern:  Voice ScoreMP3 File 
  5. Hail Glorious Lady: Hymn for the Blessed Mother set to the music of Kyle Cothern:  Voice and KeyboardMP3 File
  6. Advent Hymn set to the medieval carol: Personent Hodie
  7. Parish Anniversary Hymn - Come and See the Many Wonders set to Beach Spring
  8. Office Hymns with Chant (Harry Hagan)
  9. Three Hymns for Meditation After Communion


  1. Antiphons for Equal Voices (Tobias Colgan)

  2. Invitatories and Antiphons

  3. Lamentations of Jeremiah

  4. Lenten Modal Antiphons

  5. Modal Psalm Tones:

    Chant Notation | Modern Notation | Organ

  6. Modal Psalm Tones II:

    Chant Notation | Modern Notation | Organ

  7. O Antiphons

  8. Part Settings and Psalm Tones

  9. Remaining Faithful

  10. Responsories, Antiphons and Canticles:

    Voice | Organ

  11. Saint Meinrad Psalm Tones (Chant Notation)

  12. Selected Modal Refrains:

    Voice | Organ

  13. Songs Like Incense

  14. Sunday Lauds and Vespers:

    Congregation | Cantor | Organ

  15. Ten Liturgical Pieces

  16. Psalm Tone Demonstrations:

    Psalm 117 and Psalm Tones [pdf]

    Psalm Tone I [Audio]

    Psalm Tone II [Audio]

    Psalm Tone III [Audio]

    Psalm Tone IV [Audio]

    Psalm Tone V [Audio]

    Psalm Tone VI [Audio]

    Psalm Tone VII [Audio]

    Psalm Tone VIII [Audio]

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