Former and current interns from "One Bread, One Cup" describe what you can expect to learn in the liturgical formation sessions at this year's conferences.
Erynn describes what to expect as a member of this formation session.
Joel describes what to expect as a member of this formation session.
Keith describes the liturgical formation session for Master of Ceremonies, Server, and Sacristan at "One Bread, One Cup". Here is what to expect as a member of this session.
Kelli describes what to expect as a member of the liturgical arts formation group.
Jacob describes what to expect as a member of the Chant formation session.
Jake describes what to expect as a member of the Cantor Development liturgical formation session.
Watch the video below to learn what to expect as a member of the Instrumental Music liturgical formation session.
Jonny describes what to expect as a member of the Proclamation of the Word liturgical formation session at "One Bread, One Cup."
Robert Feduccia describes what adult participants and youth ministers can expect to learn about their ministry at "One Bread, One Cup."
Irene describes what to expect as a member of the Preaching the Liturgy of the Hours liturgical formation session at "One Bread, One Cup."
Bethany describes what to expect as a member of the Stewardship and Hospitality liturgical formation session at "One Bread, One Cup."