Priests: Ongoing Formation


Our Facilities

View the Institute's facilities in St. Bede Hall, including overnight accommodations, conference room, teaching kitchen, living room and offices.

See Our Facilities


A workshop designed for priests in their 60s or approaching retirement, Encore Priests prepares priests for this transition. Of course, priests never fully retire. By the nature of the sacrament of Holy Orders, priests always have some form of priestly ministry. But how can a mature priest transition into a retirement that is meaningful and vital?

If you're a priest nearing retirement age, this workshop is designed to help you:

  • plan for the transition into retirement

  • make your retirement meaningful and purposeful

  • discover your strengths and your likely challenges, and how to best engage both

  • discover the 15 spiritual growth factors that can transform retirement into an energizing time of personal and spiritual development

  • learn the steps to make the most of your retirement

Workshop Dates

  • August 12-15, 2024
  • December 2-5, 2024 

Retirement Success Profile for Diocesan Priests

Prior to the workshop, participants will complete a Retirement Success Profile designed especially for priests.

This 120-item profile offers the priest an overview of how well he is preparing for retirement. This scientifically designed assessment measures the 15 factors crucial for achieving personal success in retirement:

  • Ministry Reorientation

  • Attitude Toward Retirement

  • Self-Direction

  • Health Perception

  • Financial Security

  • Current Life Satisfaction

  • Projected Life Satisfaction

  • Life Meaning/Spirituality

  • Leisure Interests

  • Personal Adaptability

  • Lifespan Development

  • Felt Responsibility for Caregiving

  • Personal Support System

  • Perception of Age

  • Re-formation of Priestly Work Functions

At the workshop, each participant will review his personalized 23-page report to help him create a personal and successful transition into retirement.


The Encore Priests workshop is $925 per attendee. Cost of overnight accommodations and meals beyond the scheduled dates, subject to availability, are in addition to the workshop fee. Call by registration deadline for availability and pricing of additional nights' accommodations and meals. 

Click for Downloadable Registration Form

workshop Amenities

  • Private room and bath facilities

  • WiFi Internet access

  • Workout facilities

  • Satellite TV and DVD player in our beautifully appointed St. John Vianney Center

  • Opportunities for communal prayer with monastic community

  • Daily Mass and prayer with fellow priests

  • Learn about our facilities