Priests: Ongoing Formation


Our Facilities

View the Institute's facilities in St. Bede Hall, including overnight accommodations, conference room, teaching kitchen, living room and offices.

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These "Effective Pastoring Workshops" engage the ongoing formation needs of priests in the first years of their ministry.

The Associate Pastor

This workshop helps newly ordained priests make a seamless transition into parish ministry, addressing the practical tasks and challenges, spiritual concerns, identity and accountability issues inherent within this transition.

Learn more about this workshop

The Newly Appointed Pastor

This workshop addresses the duties of pastoring through three munera of teaching, sanctifying and governing. The sessions cover a range of topics faced by first-time pastors: canonical, legal and personnel issues; parish administration; finances and budgeting; authority and credibility; communication; organization; management and leadership.

Learn more about this workshop


  • "I got insights from the different presenters in regards to pastoral ministry in the parish. I am now aware of things that can be done effectively in the parish and in the life of a priest. This workshop has given me a new perspective and a new motivation to work on different aspects of parish ministry. Now I can go back to the parish with this question: what would I do differently?"
  • "Very necessary, informative and educational - especially for international priests."
  • "It was very timely given some of the issues that I am currently dealing with in my parish."
  • "I realized how little I really know about civil law and requirements and safeguards for parishes. I learned quite a lot."
  • "I left this session with a realization of how much homework I have to do! I now know the questions to ask my diocese. This session was very timely as our parish begins its annual budget process."
  • "Gave examples from parish experience that we could immediately relate to. Very basic, making no presumptions that we already knew certain concepts - which was good! Very thorough, covering many areas of the topic. Gave helpful definitions, tips and guides."
  • "Helpful overview that left me with categories to investigate in internal control, promoting stewardship and effectively using our advisory councils."