Code of Canon Law, Latin-English Edition.  2012.  The most recent translation of the latest Code of Canon Law with  parallel columns for Latin text and English translation
Circulation KBU 2212 .A52 2012
Reference KBU 2212 .A52 2012

Instruction to Be Observed by Diocesan and Interdiocesan Tribunals in Handling Causes of the Nullity of Marriage: Instructio Servanda a Tribunalibus Dioecesanis et Interdioecesanis in Pertractandis Causis Nullitatis Matrimonii.  2005.  Procedures for marriage tribunals. Includes both the English and Latin text.
Circulation KBU3897 .C37 2005

Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches 2001.   Canons governing Eastern (Catholic) Churches in parallel column English-Latin format. Reference BX4710.52 .A1 2001

The 1917 or Pio-Benedictine Code of Canon Law: In English Translation with Extensive Scholarly Apparatus.  2001.  Translation of the 1917 Code of Canon Law.  Includes an introduction and annotations. Reference KBU2210 .A52 2001