Access to Online Resources

Archabbey Library provides access to two major databases for Saint Meinrad alumni. Both ATLA Serials and JSTOR contain full-text articles on religion and theology from journals and magazines as well as articles on a host of related subjects. These range from scholarly peer-reviewed articles to magazine and newspaper articles and opinion pieces. To access these databases, log in to the Alumni Website and click the "Access Library Resources" link under "Important Links" at the bottom of the page.

Library Use Privileges

Alumni are welcome to visit the Archabbey Library and use its collections on site. Alumni are not able to borrow material for out-of-library use. Reference materials, circulating books and print periodical collections are accessible in open stacks. Databases and online full-text periodicals can be accessed through publicly available computer terminals in the library. Wireless access is also available for anyone wishing to use a laptop computer.

Document Delivery

If an alumnus is unable to get to the library and needs a copy of an article from a periodical or a short passage from a book owned by the Archabbey Library that is accessible only in print format, we will be glad to make and forward a PDF copy electronically. For document delivery, fill out our online form with your request.

Research Consultation

A librarian will be glad to help you find books and articles for your research and help you locate material either electronically or at a library near you. You can make a request for research assistance by calling (812) 357-6566 or by emailing Dan Kolb.


The Saint Meinrad Archabbey Library is accessible to patrons who have a disability. Entrances to both the top and bottom floors have been designed for accessibility. The handicapped entrance to the bottom floor is through the double glass doors near the loading dock on the south side of the building. The entrance is equipped with an intercom through which you can communicate with the Circulation Desk and request entry.

When entering from the monastery or the seminary, use the ramp to the left of the main stairs leading down to the top floor entrance. Patrons who would like to request special help in accessing the library or using its collections should call ahead to (812) 357-6401 or (800) 987-7311 or email the library.