Students from Marian University taking upper-level theology or ministry classes can complete an M.A. in theology at Saint Meinrad in as little as one year after graduating.

Marian University undergraduates can receive advanced standing for upper-level theology or ministry classes. Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology will grant up to nine graduate credits in theology for upper-level classes (300 and 400 level classes in the Marian course catalog). Also, Marian University plans on offering a three-credit graduate theology course on campus that senior theology or ministry students can take to fulfill one theology elective requirement. When the advanced standing and graduate course are combined, Marian graduates can enter Saint Meinrad with the equivalent of 12 graduate credits, leaving only 24 graduate credits (or eight classes) to attain an M.A. in theology at Saint Meinrad.


  • For every six undergraduate credits, Saint Meinrad will recognize three graduate credits of advanced standing up to a total of nine graduate credits.
  • The undergraduate course credit must be from the 300 or 400 level in Marian University’s catalog.
  • Students must receive a final grade of A or B (i.e. B- and above) in these courses.
  • An advanced standing portfolio must be submitted at the time of application to Saint Meinrad in order to receive credit. See details below.
  • For every three graduate credits, students must have completed 3,000 words of crafted writing (i.e. an essay or research paper of approximately 12 double-spaced pages or the equivalent in smaller papers).
    • For example, consider a Marian theology major who takes the core classes THL 336: Liturgy, Prayer, & Sacrament and THL 405: Jesus Christ & the Tripersonal God. For these two classes alone, the student can receive three graduate credits of advanced standing, provided that approximately 12 pages of crafted writing were completed in the two classes.
    • Most 400 level classes already include 3,000 words of crafted writing. Therefore, Marian theology or ministry majors are advised to take at least three 400 level courses in order to attain the most advanced standing.
  • Marian students who take a graduate theology course to fulfill one of their elective requirements can receive an additional three graduate credits in the form of transfer credit.


  • Marian students may apply for admission into the accelerated master’s degree starting June 1 after completing their junior year or approximately one year prior to the estimated completion of their bachelor’s degree.
  • Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis. In order to enroll the fall semester after senior year, one must apply by July 1 approximately two months prior to that fall semester.

Advanced Standing Portfolio
When applying to Saint Meinrad, Marian students interested in the accelerated M.A. program must submit an advanced standing portfolio. The portfolio must include the following.

  • a) a list of 300, 400, and 500 level classes taken at MU
  • b) the grades received in those classes
  • c) a copy of the crafted writing completed in those classes sufficient to reach 3,000 words (or approximately 12 double-spaced pages) per three graduate credits requested. Crafted writing includes essays and research papers.

Questions about the accelerated M.A. program can be addressed to or 800-MEINRAD (634-6723).

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