Alumni have secured leadership positions in Catholic Charities, university and healthcare mission integration, religious publishing, Catholic dioceses, parishes, and schools.


Lisa DeJaco Crutcher

From corporate lawyer to the corporal works of mercy, in 2017, Lisa DeJaco Crutcher—a Louisville native—left her job as partner at a law firm to become the CEO of Catholic Charities of Louisville. “I can only blame the Spirit,” Lisa says with a smile. Pursuing and completing her Master of Arts in Theology was pivotal for Lisa’s discernment and career trajectory. “It was so restorative for me to have a small piece of time carved out of my otherwise hectic life to focus on learning and thinking about God,” she says. The programs of Catholic Charities include migration and refugee services, skills training for career opportunities, and family/individual assistance for the vulnerable. “We really should be the hands of the Body of Christ,” says Lisa.

Learn more about Lisa's story


Kay Mach

Kay Mach’s journey of faith and healing took her from her native South Bend to Indianapolis, Saint Meinrad, and back. In 2009, Kay was a registered nurse and director of youth ministry for the Archdiocese of Indianapolis. Caring for others came natural to Kay, but she knew she wanted to enhance her own formation to be better equipped to help others. She started taking weekend classes at Saint Meinrad. “It wasn’t just an education. I gained the wisdom of instructors. I had community. I had spirituality. I had silence, and I had healing,” shares Kay. After graduating with a Master of Arts in Pastoral Theology in 2016, Kay is now serving at Holy Cross Village retirement community in South Bend as director of mission integration and pastoral care. “I am a better minister of healthcare having had formation at Saint Meinrad,” Kay says. 

Learn more about Kay's Story


Jenny Koch

When Jenny Koch teaches youth about character development through golf lessons, she speaks from years of experience—in golf, teaching, campus ministry, and religious publishing. Originally, a golf and social studies teacher at Reitz Memorial High School, a move into theology led her to study Church history at Saint Meinrad. “I had no idea what I would learn and the roads it would take me down,” says Jenny. She became close friends with the other women in her classes. “That’s something that will stay with me for the rest of my life,” She says. Jenny graduated in 2016 with her Master of Arts (Theology) degree. After teaching theology and serving as campus minister at the University of Evansville, Jenny moved on to work for Decided Excellence, issuing faith-based magazines for parishes across the country. Jenny serves as a publisher, connecting with new client parishes and business sponsors, writing articles, and preparing publications. Looking back, Jenny can say, “Saint Meinrad enabled me, empowered me, and educated me for a lifetime.” 

Learn more about Jenny's story


Mark Erdosy

Saint Meinrad brought Mark Erdosy into a legacy of formative Christian education. An alum of Indiana University, Mark was searching for God’s will in his life. From 1993 to 1995, Mark lived on campus pursuing his Master of Theological Studies in preparation for lay ministry. “The faculty, the students, and the monks were very welcoming and wanted to know my story,” states Mark. “That whole rhythm of prayer, study, and work suited me well.” Upon graduating, Mark spent eight years as campus minister at IU. He says, “Ever since, I have loved working with college students.” He then moved to Marian College (now University) in Indianapolis, founding the San Damiano Scholarship program to form students as pastoral leaders. After 18 years there, Mark became the executive director of mission integration at Marian, helping faculty and staff live out the Christian values of the university. Saint Meinrad trained him in leadership for lay ministry that has guided his career through to today. “Attending Saint Meinrad is still one of the best decisions I ever made,” says Mark. “Saint Meinrad has made a deep imprint on my mind, heart, and soul.”

Learn more about Mark's story

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