Fr. Denis Robinson, OSB

  • DepartmentSystematic Theology
  • TitlePresident-Rector & Associate Professor of Systematic Theology


  • BA (Saint Meinrad College, 1989)
  • MA/MDiv (Saint Meinrad School of Theology, 1993)
  • MA, STL(Catholic University of Louvain, 2002)
  • PhD, STD (Catholic University of Louvain, 2007)


Fr. Denis, president-rector and associate professor of systematic theology, is a theologian with special interest in the work of John Henry Newman. He also teaches and writes in the areas of reformation theology, Anglican studies, theology and literature and priesthood.

Fr. Denis formerly served the School of Theology as Director of Continuing Education. He is also interested in the formation of permanent deacons and helped to establish the permanent deacon program at Saint Meinrad before going to Belgium for graduate studies.

He has published a number of articles and papers and has presented on Newman in several countries.

Institute for Priests and Presbyterates topics of presentation: Priesthood & Generational Dynamics, Remembering Why We Do What We Do (Capstone Retreat)
