Saint Meinrad Archabbey offers several opportunities for young men up to age 40 to visit the monastery and discern a possible monastic vocation.
Establishing a Relationship: Men interested discerning a religious or monastic vocation are invited to contact the vocation director to ask questions and begin building a relationship with the monastery. Our vocation director can be contacted by telephone (812-357-6318) or by email ( This website ( also provides a wide range of helpful information about the life and work of the monks of Saint Meinrad.
Interested men should contact:
Brother Zachary Wilberding, OSB
Director of Monastery Vocations
Saint Meinrad Archabbey
100 Hill Drive
St. Meinrad, IN 47577
Phone: 812-357-6803 or 812-686-8919
Enjoy our Benedictine hospitality. Join the monks at prayer or tour the grounds.
Prayer Schedule & ToursAn ebook of the Saint Meinrad translation of the Rule of St. Benedict is available through the Private Academic Library Network of Indiana.
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