Marten Homiletics Lab

Homiletics has long been a priority at Saint Meinrad. Homiletics labs include two chapel-like rooms with remote-control video cameras controlled from a central control room, facilitating the videotaping of students while practicing their preaching and liturgical presiding skills. The control room also contains digital tape decks, a digital editing system, duplicating facilities and more.

The homiletics lab also includes three seminar rooms equipped with a large monitor, facilities for video/DVD projection, and Internet connection, as well as nearby practice rooms containing a remote-control monitor/VCR/camera set-up, allowing students to practice preaching and other presentations at any time of the day.

Mader Learning Center

The Mader Learning Center is available to assist students in mastering both fundamental and advanced reading and writing skills. The Center's director and trained student assistants offer skills development in individual settings and interactive learning groups.

Special programs are designed for students whose second language is English. The Center also provides computer software, assessment tools and other resources to help students develop English language skills. The Center is open during the fall and spring semesters and January Interterm.

For more information about the Mader Center or for academic support, contact director Dr. Maggie Morgan at

Programs for English as a Second Language (ESL)

Students are required to achieve an acceptable score on an English proficiency exam before beginning theological studies.

Meeting that goal may require a semester or summer of intensive English study before being admitted to formal theological studies at Saint Meinrad. Even after a seminarian begins theological studies, a weekly tutorial may be required of the student to continue improving his facility with English.