When the Desert Fathers began the monastic tradition, they had little to guide them, inasmuch as these first monks started the tradition. In the sixth century, St. Benedict proposed his Rule as a guide for monks. Today, the Rule of St. Benedict continues to be a guide for monks and for oblates.
This Personal Rule of Life might be helpful to Benedictine Oblates of Saint Meinrad Archabbey seeking to keep the three promises and five duties ever in their sight.
Pray Morning and Evening Prayer daily.
Practice lectio divina as a part of your daily routine.
Create space for silence in your life.
Treat your family life and your daily work as your main Christian ministries.
Be a contributing member of your parish or church community.
Treat physical objects and the environment with care and reverence.
Serve others with consistent patience and care.
Read from the Rule daily.
Pray for vocations to Saint Meinrad Archabbey.
Strive to visit Saint Meinrad Archabbey as often as you can.
Engage in an annual personal evaluation of your keeping of the promises and duties.
An ebook of the Saint Meinrad translation of the Rule of St. Benedict is available through the Private Academic Library Network of Indiana.
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