
Father Prior Bede Cisco, OSB

Prior of Saint Meinrad Archabbey

Photo of Fr. Bede Cisco, OSBFr. Bede, a native of Indianapolis, IN, professed his vows as a Benedictine monk August 24, 1974. He earned a bachelor’s degree at Saint Meinrad College and a Master of Divinity degree from Saint Meinrad School of Theology.

He earned EdM and EdD degrees from Columbia University. He earned a certificate in spiritual direction from Aquinas Institute of Theology.

From 1979-82, and again from 1987-93, Fr. Bede was associate dean of students of Saint Meinrad College. He served as the College’s academic dean from 1993-99. He also taught theology in the College and was adjunct assistant professor of pastoral studies in the School of Theology from 1987-92.

Other assignments have included director of Indianapolis programs for the School of Theology, director of institutional research and information, director of deacon formation for the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, associate formation dean, associate director of spiritual formation, and most recently, director of spiritual formation for the Seminary and School of Theology from 2013-2021.

​He began his assignment as Saint Meinrad's prior on June 10, 2021.