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Echoes from the Bell Tower

Echoes from the Bell Tower

Our blog devoted to observations on Christian faith, spirituality and everyday events, by authors with a connection to the Benedictine values found at Saint Meinrad Archabbey and its Seminary and School of Theology.

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Smugmug Galleries

Smugmug Galleries

View galleries of photos from Saint Meinrad, including events throughout the year. These photos at SmugMug can be viewed, downloaded or purchased as prints.

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Mission Statement

The mission of Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology is the initial and ongoing formation of priests, permanent deacons, and laity to minister together effectively in the service and evangelization of the Roman Catholic Church and the world.

The long tradition and rich Benedictine heritage of Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology instill:

  • a love of learning integrated with a lifelong seeking of God,

  • a strong grounding in tradition and an ability "to attend to the signs of the times" (Gaudium et spes, 4),

  • a love of the Church's liturgy and a personal commitment to a life of prayer and service,

  • a sense of hospitality that welcomes Christ in each person and in the community of disciples gathered in Christ's name.

Realizing the Mission

Realizing this mission requires attention to the distinctive identity and formation of priests, permanent deacons, and laity as well as the development of professional skills to assist them in working together for effective ministry and evangelization in the Church and the world.

The mission is carried out through programs in three areas:

  1. Priesthood formation, Saint Meinrad's traditional and central work, faithful to the teachings of the Magisterium and in accord with the current edition of the Program of Priestly Formation of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, prepares seminarians for ministry in a multicultural Church. Ongoing formation for priests is provided by the Institute for Priests and Presbyterates.

  2. Permanent Deacon formation works in partnership with dioceses to prepare men for diaconal ministry in accord with the current edition of The National Directory for the Formation, Ministry, and Life of Permanent Deacons in the United States. Additional offerings are provided for ongoing formation.

Approved by Board of Trustees on October 5, 2024